Due to the ongoing COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak, it’s with great sadness that we’ve had to temporarily close our practice for all treatments. As official guidance from the Government continues to focus on reducing social contact and only leaving our houses to complete essential tasks, this is a safety measure that has been taken by all dental care providers across the country. At Yew Tree Dental Care and Implant Centre, the health and wellbeing of our patients has always been our main priority, so we believe that this is absolutely the right course of action to take.

Since we opened over forty years ago, we have never had to close our doors to the public, so we hope you will join us in recognising the seriousness of our current national and global situation and recognise that this is not something that we would have done were it not completely necessary.

Emergency dental care

Although we have already contacted patients directly to rebook any scheduled appointments they may have had, we will be operating on an emergency basis should you need to get in touch with us. Taking the lead from the Chief Dental Officer, we may be able to arrange some support and/or treatment for you if you are experiencing a genuine dental emergency. If this is the case, you can get in contact with Dr Neel and Natasha Shukla by calling 07387 778 751. Please keep in mind that we will only be able to provide medical care if your issue is posing a significant threat to your health.

We also realise that many of you may be feeling anxious or uncertain during this time, so both Dr Neel and Dr Natasha will be able to provide you with reassurance or advice over the phone should you need it.

The importance of following advice

Although closing our practice on a temporary basis was something that we hoped to avoid, we are fully aware that, by doing so, we are contributing to the nation’s efforts to halt the spread of COVID-19 and working towards a time when the country will once again be able to operate as normal. Following advice from the appropriate sources of authority will help to save lives during this pandemic, so we urge you to stay home and only go out when it is absolutely necessary to do so.

Keep updated

In order to keep updated as to when we will be re-opening, please like us on Facebook (Yew Tree Dental Care and Implant Centre) and follow us on Instagram (@YewTreeDentalCareSlough).

We’d like to thank you for your continued support during this difficult time. We hope you stay safe and well and we look forward to seeing you all very soon.

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