Practice Is Now Open

Our Practice Is Now Open – Here’s How We Plan To Proceed Under Government Guidelines

With the country easing out of lockdown and some of the more severe restrictions around COVID-19 beginning to be relaxed, we’re delighted to let all of you know that our practice is once again open for business. We hope that this is the start of our journey towards being once again able to provide exemplary dental care to all of our patients in a much more conventional manner, face-to-face and doing what we do best. 

Yet, for the time being, we will be implementing a number of strict safety measures in order to ensure that the risk of any of our patients or staff coming to harm during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is reduced as much as possible. 

Although dental practices are commonly perceived to be one of the most sanitary environments you can come into contact with, we are still making every effort to ensure our practice is as safe as possible. Guided by government advice, we will be sticking closely to these precautionary measures for the foreseeable future. You can find a list of these below. Alternatively, please visit our Facebook page or our Instagram page to watch a short video which explains these changes in detail.  

Safety measures

  • Social distancing: We will be doing our bit to ensure that all unnecessary social contact is reduced. This means that you should only attend our practice if you have an appointment booked. Where possible, we would like to ask you to give reception a call to let us know that you have arrived. You may be asked to wait in the car until we are ready to see you. This is to make sure that we are sticking to our policy of a maximum of 2 patients in the waiting room at one time. When you enter the practice, you can keep your distance from others by following the markers on the floor. You should also attend your appointment alone, unless circumstances dictate otherwise (e.g. you are a parent/guardian or require a translator). 
  • Protective measures: At this time, we will be subjecting our practices to enhanced cleaning processes. This means that we will be spacing out appointments in order to carry out these protective measures effectively. After every appointment, the rooms will be completely decontaminated. We will also be conducting many treatments whilst wearing the highest level of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). This will ensure that both parties will be kept safe. But don’t worry, it’s still us underneath! We have also removed magazines/books from our waiting room and you will no longer have access to our drinking water dispenser. Our reception task has also been fitted with a perspex screen and our toilets will also be closed during this time. 
  • Reduced treatments: Government advice is currently to reduce aerosol-generating procedures where possible, so our hygienists will be offering hand scaling instead of that aided by ultrasonic water jet scalers. Polishing procedures will also be conducted in a different way, with stain removal assisted by the use of polishing strips. We’re also aware that the way that appointments are currently being spaced out means that we will not be able to see as many people throughout the day. To counter this backlog, we are opening some Sunday clinics to make sure that you will be seen in good time. 
  • Help from you: We realise that these safety measures will only be able to achieve success with compliance from all of our patients. With this in mind, we’d like to ask you to do a few important things to help us out. Firstly, when attending the practice, please bring with you as few belongings as possible so as to reduce the possibility of cross-infection. We would also appreciate it if you could use the alcohol hand gel at reception when you arrive. As the safety of all of our staff and patients is very important to us, one of our clinicians may ask to take your temperature upon your arrival, so please don’t be offended if this occurs. 
  • COVID-19 symptoms: Please do not attend the practice if you or anyone else in your household has symptoms of COVID-19. If this is the case, we would like to ask you to cancel your appointment by giving us a call as soon as you can. If you do choose to attend whilst displaying these symptoms, we reserve the right to refuse you treatment. 

A Thank You From Us

We realise that the last few months have been difficult, challenging and frustrating for everyone, which is why we’d like to thank you for your incredible patience during this uncertain time. Over the next few, crucial months, we will do everything in our power to provide all of you with the dental care and support you need and we ask that you do your very best to help us to do so. 

As always, we welcome any feedback and will be helpful to answer any questions you may have. We look forward to seeing you all very soon. 

To book in for an appointment with us, call 01753 522 500 today. Alternatively, you can reach us by email at [email protected]

dental emergency

What Constitutes A Dental Emergency?

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 and the restrictions that have been imposed by the Government in order to fight this pandemic, we’ve been operating on an emergency basis since lockdown began. As a result, the best way to get in touch with us at present is by calling 07387 778 751 and seeking advice from our dental practice and Drs Neel and Natasha Shukla directly.

We see this service as a way of allowing all of our wonderful patients the opportunity to discuss any concerns or issues they may have about their oral health. During this unprecedented time, we like to think this has presented you all with a crucial form of support and we’ve been more than happy to talk through all of your problems and worries over the phone.

In terms of dental emergencies, we have been able to offer some form of intervention to those patients who require it. But with lockdown restrictions not yet lifted, although there have been encouraging signs that these will soon be eased, how do you know if you need to seek urgent dental assistance?

Dental Emergencies

Put simply, our governing bodies define a dental emergency as anyone who is suffering from facial swelling, any facial or dental trauma or pain that lasts for more than 48 hours that cannot be controlled with painkillers. Here at Yew Tree Dental Care & Implant Centre, we believe that a dental emergency encompasses a lot more than that; for instance a lost crown, a broken tooth, some sensitivity or bleeding gums.

As these are only a few examples, it is best to give us a call if you are uncertain about what you are experiencing and we will be there to help in any way we possibly can.

How We Can Help

As we understand that the line between needing urgent dental treatment and having to remain home can be a thin one, we also thought we’d share how we’ve been able to help patients get the care and support they need during lockdown. Adhering to social distancing, we’ve provided temporary filling material to patients with broken teeth and been able to supply patients suffering from abscesses with antibiotics on the same day where possible to prevent them having to travel. We’ve also given advice and instruction to patients on how to recement their own crowns back in place until we can once again provide them with the appropriate dental attention.

As previously mentioned, we’ve also been providing telephone advice and reassurance to patients with non-urgent dental concerns, and following up each and every phone call after a week to make sure everything is proceeding as expected.

Next Steps

With the Government stating that we have moved past the peak of the COVID-19 outbreak, we hope that we can get back to running our surgery as normal as soon as we can. As things are ever-changing, we will provide you all with a detailed update when we know more about how and when these restrictions will be eased. We have tentative plans to re-open our doors gradually to allow us to catch up urgent treatments and also non-urgent appointments such as dental examinations and hygiene visits, but we will make you all aware of this when we have a concrete cause of action in place.

For now, we will continue to provide the best service we can in this challenging climate and urge you to get in contact with us to discuss any oral health issue, big or small. Call us today on 07387 778 751 where Drs Neel and Natasha Shukla are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Take care, and we hope to see you all soon.

COVID-19: An Update

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak, it’s with great sadness that we’ve had to temporarily close our practice for all treatments. As official guidance from the Government continues to focus on reducing social contact and only leaving our houses to complete essential tasks, this is a safety measure that has been taken by all dental care providers across the country. At Yew Tree Dental Care and Implant Centre, the health and wellbeing of our patients has always been our main priority, so we believe that this is absolutely the right course of action to take.

Since we opened over forty years ago, we have never had to close our doors to the public, so we hope you will join us in recognising the seriousness of our current national and global situation and recognise that this is not something that we would have done were it not completely necessary.

Emergency dental care

Although we have already contacted patients directly to rebook any scheduled appointments they may have had, we will be operating on an emergency basis should you need to get in touch with us. Taking the lead from the Chief Dental Officer, we may be able to arrange some support and/or treatment for you if you are experiencing a genuine dental emergency. If this is the case, you can get in contact with Dr Neel and Natasha Shukla by calling 07387 778 751. Please keep in mind that we will only be able to provide medical care if your issue is posing a significant threat to your health.

We also realise that many of you may be feeling anxious or uncertain during this time, so both Dr Neel and Dr Natasha will be able to provide you with reassurance or advice over the phone should you need it.

The importance of following advice

Although closing our practice on a temporary basis was something that we hoped to avoid, we are fully aware that, by doing so, we are contributing to the nation’s efforts to halt the spread of COVID-19 and working towards a time when the country will once again be able to operate as normal. Following advice from the appropriate sources of authority will help to save lives during this pandemic, so we urge you to stay home and only go out when it is absolutely necessary to do so.

Keep updated

In order to keep updated as to when we will be re-opening, please like us on Facebook (Yew Tree Dental Care and Implant Centre) and follow us on Instagram (@YewTreeDentalCareSlough).

We’d like to thank you for your continued support during this difficult time. We hope you stay safe and well and we look forward to seeing you all very soon.

Why Do Our Teeth Hurt

Why Do Our Teeth Hurt?: Possible Reasons For Your Toothache

Toothache can be enough to ruin anyone’s day. In the most extreme cases, those affected can experience persistent periods of discomfort and see their mood, work and sleep pattern disrupted by this lingering and relentless pain.

But why do our teeth suddenly begin to hurt? There are a number of possible reasons for the development of toothache, some temporary and some which can only be remedied by medical intervention.


Common Causes of Toothache

Our teeth endure their fair share of strenuous activity, helping us to break down food for digestion and supporting us in the formation of speech. Through life, the foods we eat and the amount of time we dedicate to the upkeep of our oral hygiene really can have an effect on the condition and health of our teeth.

Poor dietary choices and the lack of a proper brushing and flossing routine can leave us open to the development of dental and oral health problems, a symptom of which is toothache, an often very aggravating condition.


Listed below are some of the most common causes of toothache:

  • Sensitive roots: Gum disease can lead to the exposure of the roots of our teeth. As bacteria linked to gum disease can break down the bone that normally protects the root of a tooth, this is left to experience heightened sensitivity. In this instance, certain foods – hot, cold or spicy – can result in our teeth becoming unbearably sensitive and force us to abandon eating some of our favourite meals.
  • Tooth decay: Over time, the enamel that covers our teeth can be weakened by plaque bacteria. This can lead to cavities (holes in our teeth) and increased pain when eating and drinking. Dental intervention may be required to ensure that this does not spread to the entire tooth.
  • Abscesses: An abscess occurs due to a buildup of pus in certain parts of a tooth, often as a result of infection. When abscesses occur, toothache can range from moderate to severe and, if left unchecked, can lead to the development of incredibly serious health conditions.
  • The loss of a filling: After a cavity has been plugged by a filling, many patients enjoy being able to use their teeth to their full potential. There are occasions, however, when these can become dislodged and fall out. When this occurs, it makes sense that the pain that originally accompanied the emergence of a cavity once again reveals itself, making routine, teeth-based tasks difficult to complete.
  • Wisdom teeth: The process of wisdom teeth establishing a place in your mouth can be a painful one, with specific areas of the mouth enduring great tenderness and swelling. In this instance, it is quite often the wisdom teeth themselves that are the source of the pain.

How Should Toothache Be Dealt With?

As with most common health conditions, there are a number of home remedies for managing toothache. These include taking pain relief, avoiding certain foods for a set amount of time, placing an ice pack around the affected area, gargling salt water or a solution comprised of garlic/cloves and elevating the head when trying to get some sleep.

However, these are quite often only momentary solutions to toothache. If you’re suffering with constant toothache, and this is only increasing in severity, it’s vital to get in touch with a dental professional.


Yew Tree Dental Care and Implant Centre

Yew Tree Dental Care and Implant Centre is a family-run dental practice with a long and established history. We make it our mission to ensure that all of our patients have a positive experience whenever they visit us and we’re well-known for the fabulous and sensitive care we provide to patients of a more nervous disposition.

If you’re struggling with a persistent and nagging toothache and would like to book an appointment with us, visit our website or call 01753 522 500.

What Are Porcelain Veneers and How Do They Work?

What Are Porcelain Veneers and How Do They Work?

What Are Porcelain Veneers

Warm and positive, a smile is very often one of the nicest gifts we can offer to someone. For many of us, a smile from the right person can be more than enough to make our day.

Yet, this isn’t always so easily done. As there are some of us who are extremely self-conscious about the appearance and condition of our teeth, sharing a smile can sometimes be very difficult.


Why do we lose our smile?

Dissatisfaction with our teeth can stem from a number of problem areas. Discolouration, whether as a result of consuming certain foods/drinks or as a side effect of previous dental surgery, is one of the major causes of lost confidence. The source of this self-consciousness can also be the emergence of broken or chipped teeth over time or lifelong concerns over the alignment and symmetry of these hard-working body parts.


What are porcelain veneers?

The addition of porcelain veneers to our teeth can be an extremely effective method of helping us to recapture our lost smiles. Designed to cover the most common and confidence-destroying of teeth concerns and irregularities, porcelain veneers are fixed to the front of our teeth in order to alter their length, colour, shape or size.

As these veneers are created in accordance with the unique shape of each mouth and set of teeth, they offer patients a custom-made solution to their tooth-based hangups. And the benefits of porcelain veneers are many: they’re natural-looking, stain-resistant and can brighten even the darkest of teeth.


How do porcelain veneers work?

At Yew Tree Dental Care and Implant Centre, we take the utmost care in helping patients achieve the smile of their dreams. As such, when we fit porcelain veneers, we follow a thorough and meticulous process.

Following an initial consultation in which we’ll discuss all of the finer points of this procedure, we’ll take some moulds and photos to ensure your veneers are constructed in line with the shape of your mouth and teeth. Your second appointment will consist of your veneers being fitted and finished, leaving you ready to take on the world. A final aftercare appointment will then take place in order to ensure the success of the procedure and to make sure you’re satisfied with the end result!


Book in at Yew Tree Dental Care and Implant Centre

At Yew Tree Dental Care and Implant Centre, we’ve been providing patients with outstanding dental care for over fifty years and we’ve become well-known for the high quality of our treatments and customer service.

To find out more about us, or to book in for your first porcelain veneer consultation, visit our website today or call us on 01753 522 500.

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